TOM-Team of Officials Meeting 2021

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“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” This famous quote attributed to Henry Ford and Edward Everett Hale remains as relevant as the beautiful bond between the Team of Officials of BMSS Bangladesh ❤️
Bangladesh Medical Students’ Society (BMSS Bangladesh), the National Member Organization of International Federation of Medical Students’ Association, is going to organize the event ‘TOM : Team of Officials Meeting 2021’ on 5 November 2021, Friday from 11AM-6PM at Canadian University of Bangladesh, Dhaka.
Team of officials are the core of BMSS. During the unprecedented times of the COVID-19 Pandemic, BMSS Bangladesh is continuing its impactful initiatives for a better tomorrow. As all the medical students have been vaccinated, maintaining all the health safety protocols, BMSS Bangladesh is going to organize the crucial team of officials meeting for the first time offline to set the direction of the organization amidst the new normal 🌸
All the team of officials from around Bangladesh will sit down with the Honourable Executive Board members of BMSS for a super amazing whole day meeting to share their valuable perspectives and ideas to strengthen our beloved organization 🇧🇩
*Registration details and agenda will be released soon. Keep checking the event page to know more*
Dear TO, We Are Not a Team Because We Work Together, We Are a Team Because We Respect Each Other. So are you ready ? Let us have a memorable day together ✌️


November 4, 2021
November 5, 2021


Bangladesh Medical Students’ Society (BMSS Bangladesh)


Canadian University of Bangladesh
Rangs RL Square, Kha 201/1,203, 205/1, 205/2 and 205/3, Pragati Sharani (Bir Uttam Rafiqul Islam Avenue), Dhaka-1213
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