General Assemblies of IFMSA are one of the largest youth-led events in the world!
The 71st August Meeting General Assembly of International Federation of Medical Students’ Association was held in Istanbul, Turkey from the 1st of August to the 7th of August 2022. One thousand medical student delegates were present in the August Meeting to unitedly pursue their common interests of global health, and to equip themselves with knowledge and skills that will enable them to take on leadership roles in health, locally, nationally and globally.
BMSS Bangladesh was represented by 5 Delegates in the following sessions :
★Head of The Delegation :
Dr. Tasnia Noor – President’s Session
A highlight of this General Assembly was Rannia Shehrish being elected as the Director of The Standing Committee on Medical Education of IFMSA for the term 2022-23, being the very first Team of Officials IFMSA elect from Bangladesh.
Iftekhar Ahmed Sakib participated as the Plenary Secretary Assistant in the SCORA Plenary Team and was also part of the Code of Conduct Committee in AM2022.
The activity ‘Kinnor Kahon’ by BMSS was one of the two events selected for presentation during the side event “Intersectional IFMSA “ at the General Assembly. It was also presented in the Activities Fair of AM2022 and the SCORA Fair. ‘Mission Hepatitis Free Future’ by SCOPH, BMSS Bangladesh was selected for presentation in the SCOPH Activities Fair.