Echoes of Empathy: A Heartwarming Visit to PFDA Vocational Training Centre

Echoes of Empathy: A Heartwarming Visit to PFDA Vocational Training Centre

Echoes of Empathy: A Heartwarming Visit to PFDA Vocational Training Centre 150 150 admin

A recent visit to the PFDA Vocational Training Centre was a wholesome experience as evident in the pictures. This “Echoes of Empathy” visit highlighted the incredible talents and resilience of the special children at the centre.

As the participants stated, “Upon arrival, we were greeted with enthusiasm and smiles, immediately feeling the centre’s warm atmosphere. The children’s creativity was evident in their stunning artwork, filled with deep emotions and stories. Their artistic expression was both inspiring and humbling.

SCORP team with the special children at centre

We observed children diligently honing various vocational skills, from woodworking to sewing, demonstrating their remarkable precision and dedication. These skills are crucial for their independence and future opportunities. A musical performance by some of the children was a highlight, showcasing their passion and joy for music. The genuine curiosity and friendliness of the children touched our hearts, reminding us of the importance of empathy and support for individuals with special needs.

The dedicated staff at PFDA were commendable, creating a nurturing environment for the children to thrive. Our visit was a day filled with joy and inspiration, reinforcing the significance of inclusivity and support for all individuals. The echoes of empathy from this experience will continue to resonate with us, reminding us of the extraordinary talents and hearts of the children we had the honour of meeting.